Our Mission


The Jaxon Company — Our growing brands encompass a thriving creative studio.

JX Agency(1)

where we develop and shoot premium content for the worlds coolest brands. We are young, creative, and help bring companies into the future, while also embracing the elegance and artistry of the past.  We don’´t believe in in leaving things to chance. Preparation, experience, and the best ideas winning. Ethical productions and top tier commercial rates for our contractors is a must. We get the job done. 


The Jaxon Company, Film x TV(2)

Developing wild captivating stories for film and television is our goal. With long experience in imaginative indies like Snaps: The Musical, Saint Support, Steve Jobs Action Movie, Mac vs. PC Civil War, Comedians and Crickets, Dow Jones, we always embrace crazy and relatable stories.


The Jaxon Company, Soundtracks(3)

Soundtracks. Film Scores. Enough said. More details to come on our upcoming projects and partnerships.


The Jaxon Company, Podcasts(4)

The NF Podcast


The Jaxon Company, Design x Tech(4)

Digital Archiving with BLKVAULT(5), we are building a global client base of digital archives for companies and high profile clients.


General Inquires


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